Tampa Catholic High School

Baptism, First Communion, &  Confirmation

hands holding rosary beads

While sacraments are celebrated at each child's home parish, the St. Mary Cathedral faculty and staff recognize the privilege and responsibility of fostering the faith of each child and supporting the faith life of his or her family.


Teachers have the daily opportunity to reinforce and build on the faith formation that originates in each student's home and parish.  Students receive additional education about the sacraments and are given the opportunity to celebrate the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation in our community throughout the year.

First Communion

(Dates TBD) - The 2nd and 3rd graders will be doing their first communion.


(Dates TBD) - The 7th graders will be doing their confirmation.


If you would like your child to receive any sacraments please see Ms. Maria Nieves, at the school office, to fill out a consent form. You may also reach her by calling the school at 305-795-2000.

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